3. Research Institutes

EIIT:Eurasian Institute of Industrial Technology


・EIIT is the institute to research issues of higher industrial Human Resource Development (i-HRD) and SMEs development in Central Asia and Caucasus economies.

・EIIT is an international entity, established according to the MOU between ERISE and the Investment Committee of Kyrgyz Republic, the Office of President, the Government of Kyrgyz Republic.

・Mr. Kenji Nakazawa, served as head of EBRD (European Bank of Reconstruction and Development) Tashkent office, Skopje Office and Bishkek office, and also served as Senior Manager of Bank bureau of the Headquarter of EBRD, has been serving as the President of EBRD. Dr. Talaibek Koichumanov, Secretary General of the Investment Committee of Kyrgyz Republic, the Office of President, the Government of Kyrgyz Republic, has been serving as the Vice President of EIIT.

[EIIT Progress Report]

1.(Kyrgyz)Meeting with H.E. Rosa Otonbaeva, ex-President of Kyrgyz Republic(Bishkek, September 27, 2017), and MOU signing with the Investment Committee of Kyrgyz Republic, the Office of President, the Government of Kyrgyz Republic(Establishment of EIIT)(Bishkek, September 30, 2017)

2.(Kyrgyz)EIIT First Kyrgyz Mission

: EIIT held the following seminars/workshops.

  1. Kyrgyz National Institute of Technology (Bishkek, September 26, 2017)
  2. Kara Balta Technological College (Kara Balta, September 26, 2017)
  3. Mr. Chontoev Dogdurbek Toktosartovich, Director General of Professional Education Bureau, Ministry of Education, Kyrgyz Republic (Bishkek, September 27, 2017)
  4. International Business Committee of Kyrgyz (Bishkek, September 28, 2017)
  5. EBRD(European Bank for Reconstruction and Development)Kyrgyz branch (Bishkek, September 28, 2017)
  6. Investment Committee of Kyrgyz, Office of President, Government of Kyrgyz Republic (Bishkek, September 30, 2017)

3.(Kazakhstan)EIIT Kazakhstan Mission

: EIIT held the following seminars/workshops.

  1. UNDP (United Nations Development Program) Kazakhstan branch (Astana (Nur-Sultan), October 2, 2017)
  2. Chamber of Commerce of Kazakhstan (Astana (Nur-Sultan,) October 2, 2017)
  3. Dr. Gulzat Kobenova, Director General of Higher Education Bureau, Ministry of Education an Science, the Government of Kazakhstan (October 2, 2017)
  4. National Almaty College of Electric and Electronic Technology (Almaty, October 3, 2017)
  5. Almaty Institute of Electric and Communication Technology (Almaty, October 3, 2017)

4.(Tajikistan)EIIT Tajikistan Mission

: EIIT held the following seminars/workshops

  1. Tajik Technical University(Dushanbe, May 24, 2019)
  2. FIFTYFIVEGROUP (Dushanbe, May 24, 2019)
  3. EBRD Tajikistan branch (Dushanbe, May 27,2019)
  4. Humo Microfinance(Dushanbe, May 27, 2019)
  5. State Committee on Investme1nt and State Property Management, the Government of Tajikistan(Dushanbe, May 28, 2019)

5.(Uzbekistan)EIIT Uzbekistan Mission

: EIIT held the following seminars/workshops.

  1. EBRD Tashkent branch(Tashkent, June 3, 2019)
  2. Tashkent University of Information Technology(Tashkent, June 4, 2019)

6.(Kyrgyz)Industrial Roundtable of Kyrgyz (high-level meeting of government and industrial sectors)(Yssyk Kol, September 20, 2019)

:Prof. Mitsuhiro Maeda, President of ERISE made a keynote presentation at Industrial Roundtable of Kyrgyz (high-level meeting of government and industrial sectors.

7.(Kyrgyz)EIIT Second Kyrgyz Mission

: EIIT held the following seminars/workshops.

  1. (1) Investment Council of Karakol(Karakol, September 22, 2019)
  2. (2) Yssyk-Kol Development Fund(Karakol, September 23, 2019)、
  3. (3) JICA Kyrgyz branch (Bishkek, September 24, 2019)
  4. (4) Kyrgyz State Technical University(Bishkek, September 24, 2019)
  5. (5) Business Association JIA (Bishkek, September 25, 2019)
  6. (6) Investment Promotion and Protection Agency of the Kyrgyz Republic(Bishkek, September 25, 2019)
  7. (7) The Union of Banks of Kyrgyzstan(Bishkek, September 25, 2019)
  8. (8) Business Association JIA, Osh branch(Osh, September 26, 2019)
  9. (9) Industrial Promotion Bureau, the Regional Government of Osh (Osh, September 26, 2019)
  10. (10) Mr. Taalaibek Cholponkulov, Director General of Primary and Professional Education Bureau, Ministry of Education and Science, the Government of Kyrgyz Republic(Bishkek, September 27, 2019)
  11. (11) EBRD(European Bank for Reconstruction and Development), Dr. Neil McCain, head of Kyrgyz branch (Bishkek, September 27, 2019)
  12. (12) Kyrgyz Software and Services Developers Association(Bishkek, September 30, 2019)
  13. (13) International Business Council(Bishkek, September 30, 2019)
  14. (14) ADB Kyrgyz branch(Bishkek, October 1, 2019)
  15. (15) Association of Micro Finance Institutions Kyrgyzstan (Bishkek, October 1, 2019)

8.(Uzbekistan) Joint Seminar with Tashkent University of Information Technology(Tashkent, February 25, 2020)

9.AIIT Global Forum ‘Kyrgyz Japan Partnership in IT Industry’ (Tokyo, July 11, 2022)

:Dr. Aziz Abakirov, ex-President of Software Association of Kyrgyz Republic, made a special lecture.

IGCS:Institute of Global Capital System:IGCS


・The Global Capital System had been established in the era of before the industrial revolution in 18th and 19th century. The first main actor of the Global Capital System was Italian cities which governed trades in Mediterranean Sea. Since then, the center of the Global Capital System has been shifted to Spain, to Portugal, to Netherland, to UK and to US. When we analyze this process, we can get important lessons to view the present global market mechanism.

・IGCS is a research institute of issues to be tackled to develop sound and sustainable global capital system based on the ‘Financial System – Capital System Model’ developed by Yasuyuki Kuratsu. IGCS established in October, 2017.

・Mr. Yasuyuki Kuratsu, the inventor of the ‘Financial System – Capital System Model’, has been serving as the President of IGCS.

[IGCS Progress Report]

1.Publication of the outcome of researches of IGCS(倉都康行『危機の資本システム』、岩波書店、2018)。

IDF:Institute of Development Finance


・The role of DFIs(Development Finance Institutions)in developing economies has been emphasized especially since 2015 in order to achieve SDGs(Sustainable Development Goals). Moreover, since 2020, huge amount of national budget have been spent for COVID-19 management, new tasks of DFIs have been required.

・IDF has been established to research issues of DFIs role and functions mainly in developing economies. Mr. Tetsuya Fukunaga, served as specialist in Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) and Southern African Development Community – Development Finance Resource Center (SADC-DFRC), has been serving as President of IDF.

ERIMeR(エリマ):Epistemic Research Institute of Mekong Region


・Bordered by rising states, such as China and India, the Mekong region will continue to achieve outstanding growth. Indeed it is necessary now to contemplate the region’s future broadly, from perspectives of economics, sociology, geography, history, and political science.

In this regard, the Institute of Mekong Regional Development has been established in October 2021 to provide a platform for conducting studies and freely exchanging information on the future of Mekong regional development.

・Prof. Yasuhiro Yamada, Visiting Professor of AIIT, has been serving as President of ERIMeR.

[ERIMeR Progress Report]

1.ERIMeR Seminar(online, November 27, 2021)

Asian Informatization Platform for MSMEs (AI-forM)


・AI-forM is a research institute to provide various platform services for Asian SMEs especially in the area of ICT empowerment. AI-forM is an international entity, established in March 2017, under the collaboration between ERISE and Prime Minister’s Office of the Government of Cambodia.

・Prof. Mitsuhiro Maeda, President of ERISE, has been serving as co-President of AI-forM.

[AI-forM Progress Report]

1.(Cambodia)ERISE First Cambodia Mission

:ERISE held the following workshops with governmental organizations of the Government of Cambodia in March 2017.

  1. Ministry of Tele-communication, the Government of Cambodia (Phnom Penh, March 29, 2017)
  2. H.E. Son Koun Thor, State Minister attached to Prime Minister, the Government of Cambodia (Phnom Penh, December 12, 2017)

: ERISE had a workshop with H.E. Son Koun Thor, State Minister attached to Prime Minister, the Government of Cambodia, at the Peace Building of the Prime Minister’s Office of Cambodia.

2.(Cambodia)ERISE Second Cambodia Mission

:ERISE held the following workshops with governmental organizations of the Government of Cambodia in December 2017.

  1. Ministry of Industry and Handicraft, the Government of Cambodia (Phnom Pehn, December 10, 2017)
  2. Institute of Technology, Cambodia (Phnom Penh, December 11, 2017)
  3. H.E. Son Koun Thor, State Minister attached to Prime Minister, the Government of Cambodia (Phnom Penh, December 12, 2017)

: ERISE made keynote speeches at the workshop with industrial sectors in Cambodia organized by H.E. Son Koun Thor, State Minister attached to Prime Minister, the Government of Cambodia, at the Peace Building of the Prime Minister’s Office of Cambodia.

On December 13, 2017, the Government of Cambodia provided a Ministerial Letter of H.E. Son Koun Thor, State Minister attached to Prime Minister, the Government of Cambodia to Prof. Mitsuhiro Maeda, stating the Cambodian support to the AI-forM activities.

  1. ICT Federation of Cambodia (Phnom Penh, December 12, 2017)

3.(Cambodia)ERISE Third Cambodia Mission

: ERISE visited H.E. Son Koun Thor, State Minister attached to Prime Minister, the Government of Cambodia, at the Peace Building of the Prime Minister’s Office of Cambodia (Phnom Penh, January 17, 2020).


ERIGH:Epistemic Research Institute of Global HAIKU


・The HAIKU has now got the global reputation as a splendid short poem modality. In HAIKU, we need to distinguish two different types. One is HAIKU with HAIKU Awareness, and the other is HAIKU without HAIKU Awareness. ERIGH is a research institute to analyze the former type HAIKU, HAIKU with HAIKU Awareness, and to promote global development of it. ERIGH has established in January 2021.

・Poet Gania Nishimura, global leading poet of HAIKU with HAIKU Awareness, has been serving as President of ERIGH.

[ERIGH Progress Report]

1.Poet Gania Nishimura, President of ERIGH, served as Chairperson of Steering Committee of the 6th Fukio Shiba Commemorating HAIKU Contest. (May 21, 2022)

ERIOA:Epistemic Research Institute for Oriental Asia


ERIOA (Epistemic Research Institute for Oriental Asia) is the predecessor of ERISE, which developed research of the modernization in Asia and Africa, based on Applied Infosocionomics and the Modernization Model of Infosocionomics.

ERIOA held many joint seminars and joint research projects with universities/governmental organizations in Asia and Africa.

ERIOA was merged into ERISE in April 2017. Prof. Mitsuhiro Maeda, President of ERISE, Professor of AIIT/Director for Foreign Affairs, served as the President of ERIOA.