[Progress Report002]National University of Laos (NUOL) Mission visited ERISE (Tokyo, April 19th, 2019)

National University of Laos (NUOL) Mission visited ERISE. The mission consisted of Mr. Somsy Gnophanxay, President of NUOL, Mr. Saykhong Saynasine, Director General of Higher Education Department of Ministry of Education, the Government of Lao PDR, Mr. Bounlouane Douangngeune, Director of Lao-Japan HRD Center and others.

Prof. Mitsuhiro Maeda, President of ERISE delivered the lecture of Japanese higher i-HRD(Industrial Human Resource Development) system.

[Progress Report001]The Establishment of ERISE(Tokyo, April 1st, 2017)

AIIT main building where ERISE locates.

ERISE(Epistemic Research Institute of Social Ethics) was established as one of the OPI (Open Institute) of Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government on April 1st, 2017. The main objective of ERISE is to figure out the guidance of establishing informatized civilization in the upper half of the third millennium on this planet.