[Progress Report055]
Inspection tour of industries and finance in Kyrgyz(Bishkek, Kyrgyz、Kara-kol、Osh、Kyrgyz、September 18th – October 4th , 2019)

(Vocational School #113(Osh, Kyrgyz)

Prof. Mitsuhiro Maeda, President of ERISE, and Mr. Kenji Nakazawa, President of EIIT (Eurasian Institute of Industrial Technology) made a Inspection tour of industries and finance in Kyrgyz. They made various workshops with governmental organizations, industries, universities, finance entities MDBs(Multilateral Development Banks)and donor communities.

1. Danek(edible oil producer)(Kara-kol, Kyrgyz, September 22nd , 2019)

2. Investment Council of Kara-kol(Kara-kol, Kyrgyz, September 22nd , 2019)

3. IKMilk(Kara-kol, Kyrgyz, September 22nd , 2019)

4. Vocational School #14(Kara-kol, Kyrgyz, September 23rd , 2019)

5. Yssyk-Kol Development Fund(Kara-kol, Kyrgyz, September 23rd , 2019)

6. Kyrgyz State Technical University,・Prof. Djamanbaev Murataly, President(Bishkek, Kyrgyz, September 24th ,  2019)

7. Business Association JIA・Farkhad Pakyrov, CEO(Bishkek, Kyrgyz, September 24th , 2019)

8. Investment Promotion and Protection Agency of the Kyrgyz Republic・Mr. Zhalyn Zheenaliev, Head of Investment Promotion and Support Division(Bishkek, Kyrgyz, September 25th , 2019)

9. KICB(Kyrgyz Investment and Credit Bank)・Kwang-Young Choi, CEO(Bishkek, Kyrgyz, September 25th , 2019)

10. The Union of Banks of Kyrgyz(Bishkek, Kyrgyz, September 25th , 2019)

11. Open Joint Stock Company “GUARANTEE FUND”・Mr. Abakirov Malik-Aidar, President(Bishkek, Krygyz, September 25th , 2019)

12. Business Association JIA・Mr. Azzambek Zheenbai uulu, Head of Osh branch office(Osh, Kyrgyz, 2019)

13. Agro Invest(Osh, Kyrgyz, September 26th , 2019)

14. Director General, Department of Industrial Promotion, Local Government of Osh(Osh, Kyrgyz, 2019)

15. Vocational School #113(Osh, Kyrgyz, September 26th , 2019)

16. ЖИА скажут куда ехать(Osh, Kyrgyz, September 26th , 2019)

17. The Ministry of Education and Science of Kyrgyz Republic)・Mr. Taalaibek Cholponkulov, Director, Agency for Primary Vocational Education(Bishkek, Kyrgyz, September 27th , 2019)

18. EBRD(European Bank for Reconstruction and Development)・Mr. Neil McCain, Head of Kyrgyz branch office (Bishkek, Kyrgyz, September 27th , 2019)

19. Vocational Lyceum #98(Bishkek, Kyrgyz, September 28th , 2019)

20. Kyrgyz Software and Services Developers Association・Dr. Aziz Abakirov,  CEO(Bishkek, Kyrgyz, September 30th , 2019)

21. International Business Council・ Mr. Askar Sydykov, Secretary General(Bishkek, Kyrgyz, September 30th , 2019)

22. UNDP ・Mr. Kanagat Alyshbaev, Project Coordinator on Digital Skills for Youth on Digital Economy(Bishkek, Kyrgyz, September 30th , 2019)

23. USAID Enterprise Competitiveness Project・Mr. Uluk Kydyrbaev,Business Enabling Environment Director(Bishkek, Kyrgyz, September 30th , 2019)

24. ADB・Ms. Candice McDeigan, Head of Kyrgyz branch office(Bishkek, Kyrgyz, October 1st, 2019)

25. Bai Tushum Bank・Mr. Kachkeev Muras, Chief Vice Chairperson(Bishkek, Kyrgyz, October 1st , 2019)

26. Ayil Bank・Mr. Gulchehra Kamchibekova, Vice Chairperson(Bishkek, Kyrgyz, October 1st , 2019)

27. Association of Micro Finance Institutions Kyrgyzstan・Mr. Alishep Akdaraliev, Secretary General(Bishkek, Kyrgyz, October 1st , 2019)

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