[Progress Report070]
Joint Seminars between ERISE and University of Dong A (UDA)(Da Nang, Vietnam, March 11th – March 12th , 2020)

ERISE held Joint Seminars between ERISE and University of Dong A (UDA) at UDA.

1. Developmental Strategy of Central Vietnam Seminar (Da Nang, Vietnam, March 11th ,  2020)

ERISE held a joint seminar with University of Dong A (UDA) on ‘Developmental Strategy of Central Vietnam’. Prof. Mitsuhiro Maeda delivered the keynote lecture.

2. Global PBL (Project Based Learning) Seminar(Da Nang, Vietnam, March 12th , 2020)

ERISE held a joint seminar with University of Dong A (UDA) on ‘Global PBL (Project Based Learning )’. Prof. Mitsuhiro Maeda delivered the keynote lecture.

(Dr. Nguyen Thi Anh Dao, President of UDA)
(Dr. Sam Luong Minh, Vice President of UDA)

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