[Progress Report091]
AIIT Global Forum ‘Kyrgyz Japan IT Industry Partnership’ (Tokyo, July 11th , 2022)

(photo with Dr. Aziz Abakirov, ex-President of Software Association of Kyrgyz Republic in Bishkek in September 2019)

AIIT held the AIIT Global Forum ‘Kyrgyz Japan IT Industry Partnership’, inviting Dr. Aziz Abakirov, ex-President of Software Association of Kyrgyz Republic at AIIT. Prof. Mitsuhiro Maeda, President of ERISE, served as the moderator. Dr. Aziz Abakirov, ex-President of Software Association of Kyrgyz Republic and Mr. Kenji Nakazawa, President of EIIT (Eurasian Institute of Industrial Technology delivered special lectures.

Prof. Dr. Hiroshi Hashimoto, President of AIIT, made an opening address on behalf of AIIT, and Dr. Talaibek Koichumanov, Secretary General of Investment Committee, Secretariat office of President, the Government of Kyrgyz, made opening addressed on behalf of Kyrgyz side.

[Progress Report089]

Prof. Mitsuhiro Maeda, President of ERISE, was invited to APEC SYMPOSIUM ON DEVELOPING NEW LEADERSHIP CAPABILITIES IN RESPONSE TO THE WORK EVOLUTION IN THE DIGITAL AGE sponsored by APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) via ONLINE. In the 3rd Session ‘EXPLORING INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS TO IMPROVING LEADERSHIP IN THE DIGITAL AGE’, Prof. Mitsuhiro Maeda served as the moderator, and in the 4th session ‘TOWARDS THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE AOTEAROA PLAN OF ACTION: PARTNERSHIP FOR 21ST CENTURY TECHNOLOGY-DRIVEN LEADERSHIP’, Prof. Mitsuhiro Maeda delivered the keynote presentation on ‘The Japanese Challenges in d-HRD (Digital Human Resource Development) in the Age of DX’.

[Progress Report088]
Basic Theory Working Group of the Society of Infosocionomics (ONLINE, April 21st, 2022)

Prof. Mitsuhiro Maeda, President of ERISE and Vice President of the Global  Society of Applied Infosocionomics (Glo-SAI) presented his new concept of ‘Global Endogenous Modernization’ at the Basic Theory Working Group of the Society of Infosocionomics via ONLINE.

[Progress Report087]
Workshop with University of Dong A(UDA) on ‘GI (Geographical Indication) Harmonization’ (ONLINE, April 4th , 2022)

ERISE held a Workshop with University of Dong A(UDA) on ‘GI (Geographical Indication) Harmonization’ via ONLINE. Ms. Azusa Uehara, Visiting Researcher of AIIT, explained the progress of the joint project between ERISE and UDA.

[Progress Report085]
Workshop with Software Association of Kyrgyz Republic(ONLINE, March16th, 2022)

(photo with Software Association of Kyrgyz Republic in Bishkek in September 2019)

ERISE held a Workshop with Software Association of Kyrgyz Republic via ONLINE. Ms. Takako Shirai, Visiting Researcher of AIIT, reported the progress of ‘Kyrgyz-Japan Partnership Project’  which has been developed in collaboration between ERISE and Software Association of Kyrgyz Republic.

[Progress Report084]
JAIF(Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund) CIS (Credibility Index for SMEs) Trainers Training Seminar (ONLINE, January 26th , 2022)

(photo at ASEAN Secretariat in December 2019)

Prof. Mitsuhiro Maeda, President of ERISE, and Mr. Toshiaki Munakata, Visiting Researcher of AIIT, served as instructors in JAIF(Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund) CIS (Credibility Index for SMEs) Trainers Training Seminar via ONLINE, jointly sponsored by the ASEAN Secretariat and National University of Vietnam.

[Progress Report082]
Publishing the text book of Applied Infosocionomics (November 30th , 2021)

(Dr. Shumpei Kumon, President of Glo-SAI)

The Publishing Bureau of the Secretariat of Global Society of Applied Infosocionomics(Glo-SAI)globally published the text book of Applied Infosocionoics, “Applied Infosocionomics – A Manifesto of Informatized Society Buiding in Developing Economies” written by Dr. Shumpei Kumon, President of Glo-SAI, and Prof. Mitsuhiro Maeda, Vice President of Glo-SAI ERISE Press, 2021), both in Japanese version and English version.

The Japanese version can be purchased in \2,700. The English version can be purchased in US$45, EU€40, or UK£34. 

[Progress Report081]
Global Seminar of Global Society of Applied Infosocionoics(Glo-SAI)(ONLINE, November 26th , 2021)

(Dr. Shumpei Kumon, President of Glo-SAI)

Global Society of Applied Infosocionomics(Glo-SAI)held a Global Seminarco-sponsored with ERIMeR. Participants from Mekong region were; Dr. Leeber Leebouapao(Chairman of Planning, Finance and Audit Committee,National Assembly of Lao PDR), Dr. Wisarn Pupphavesa(Senior Advisor,Thailand Development Research Institute (TDRI), Thailand), Dr. Tran Din Lam(Professor,            Vietnamese and Southeast Asian Studies, Vietnam National University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Viet Nam), Dr. Sothea Oum(Executive Director, Centre for Strategy and Innovation Policy,National University of Management, Cambodia).

Dr. Shumpei Kumon, President of Glo-SAI, made an opening address.

Prof. Mitsuhiro Maeda, President of ERISE and Vice President of Glo-SAI, delivered the keynote lecture on ‘Towards an Applied Infosocionomics’.

Dr. Souknilanh Keola, Chief Researcher of ERIMeR, delivered the lecture on ’Monitoring Impact of Pandemic in Asia with Near Real-Time Remote Sensing Data’.

Ms. Mari Aoba delivered the lecture on ‘Proposed solution to “Information Asymmetry” in the cybersecurity market’.

[Progress Report080]
Opening Ceremony of ERIMeR (Epistemic Research Institute of Mekong Region)(ONLINE, November 26th , 2021)

ERIMeR(Epistemic Research Institute of Mekong Region), an affiliate institute of ERISE, held an Opening Ceremony.

[Progress Report079]
EVSU(Eastern Visayas State University)International Business Summit(ONLINE, October 29th , 2021)

(Eastern Visayas State University, photo in October 2016)
(Tacloban, photo in October 2016)

Mr. Masashi Nakagawa, Visiting Researcher of AIIT, delivered the guest lecture on Market System Development of Leyte, at International Business Summit via ONLINE, sponsored by Eastern Visayas State University.