[Progress Report-101]
Feasibility Study of Artware Production System in Kyrgyz
(Bishkek, September 13 – 17, 2022)

ERISE made a feasibility study of the Artware Production System, co-developed with  PYGMALIUS ACADEMIA, in Kyrgyz Republic.

(1) Ministry of Agriculture of the Kyrgyz Republic, Forest Service (Bishkek, September 13th, 2022)

(Mr. Yrsaliev Baktybek, Deputy Director)

(2) Komuz manufacturing studio (Bishkek, September 15th , 2022)

(3) Adem Wood Studio (Bishkek, September 16th, 2022)

(4) Ala-Archa National Park (Ala-Archa, September 17th, 2022)

(Dr. Talaibek Koichumanov, Secretary General of Investment Committee, Office of President, Republic of Kyrgyz, and Mr. Aziz Abakirov, ex-Chairperson of Kyrgyz Software Association)

「Progress Report – 099」
ERISE DX Mission to Republic of Kyrgyz (Bishkek, September 8th – September 16th , 2022)

ERISE made a DX Mission to Republic of Kyrgyz, and held many workshops and discussions.

(1) Compass College(Bishkek, September 8th, 2022)

(Andrew B. Wachtel, Rector)

(2) Business tours for Central Asia(Bishkek, September 8th, 2022)

(Mederbek Aitbaev・CEO)

(3) State Institution”Innovation Center”(Bishkek, September 8th, 2022)

(4) Kyrgyz Innovation Center (Bishkek, September 13th , 2022)

(5) Accelerate Prosperity(Venture Fund)(Bishkek, September 13th, 2022)

(6) PEAK(Incubation Platform)(Bishkek, September 14th, 2022)

(7) Business Association JIA(Bishkek, September 14th, 2022)

(Mr. Azzambek Jeenbai uulu所長)

(8) ADB(Asian Development Bank) Kyrgyz Republic Resident Mission (Bishkek, September 14th, 2022)

(Ms. Kanokpan Lao-Araya, Country Director)

(9) Tourism Development Support Fund of the Kyrgyz Republic(Bishkek, September 14th, 2022)

(Mr. Kairat Itibaev, Managing Director)

(10) EBRD (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development)Kyrgyz Office (Bishkek, September 15th, 2022)

(Mr. Bakai Zhunushov, Principal Manager)

(11) Kyrgyz State Technical University(Bishkek, September 15th, 2022)

(Mr. Torobekov Bekzhan, Vice Rector)

(12) Ala-too International University DX Workshop (Bishkek, September 16th, 2022)

(Dr. Sanzharbek Erdolatov, Rector)

(13) International Business Council

(Mr. Askar Sydykov, Executive Director)

[Progress Report – 098]
Kyrgyz DX Seminar, co-hosted with Kyrgyz Software Association (Bishkek, September 9th, 2022)

ERISE held Kyrgyz DX Seminar, co-hosted with Kyrgyz Software Association.

(Dr. Talaibek Koichumanov, Secretary General of Investment Committee, Office of President, Republic of Kyrgyz)

(H.E. Shigeki Maeda, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Republic of Kyrgyz.)

(Mr. Aziz Abakirov, ex-Chairperson of Kyrgyz Software Association)

(Prof. Mitsuhiro Maeda, President of ERISE)

(Ms. Takako Shirai, Visiting Researcher of AIIT)

(Mr. Masashi Nakagawa, Visiting Researcher of AIIT)

(Mr. Tomoki Kobayashi)

(Ms. Mari Aoba)

[Progress Report – 093]
112th Workshop of The Research Center for Advance Policy Studies, University of Kyoto(Kyoto, July 28th, 2022)

Prof. Mitsuhiro Maeda, President of ERISE made a special lecture at the Workshop of The Research Center for Advance Policy Studies, University of Kyoto, on the topic of “an Invitation to Infosocionomics / Applied Infosocionomics”.