Now we are living in the Modern Civilization. All social phenomenon, both global ones and regional ones, can be analyzed as an expression of the stages of the modernization.
In the first half of the 21st century, the character of the stage of the modernization has come to a period of the great change. All people and organizations on this planet are required to precisely forecast the direction of changes of the stage of the modernization. If we fail it, our activities would be totally out of date, and many of organizations or institutions would, soon or later, collapse.
A guideline of grasping the direction of changes the stage of the modernization is called the ‘Social Ethics’ which ERISE is mainly researching. The Social Ethics is a kind of code of conduct coherent to the Social Philosophy of each stage of the modernization.
ERISE has established a special methodology of researching the Social Philosophy and extracting the Social Ethics from the Social Philosophy. ERISE adopts a methodology of Infosocionomics, especially a methodology of the Modernization Model of Infosocionomics in researching the Social Philosophy and extracting the Social Ethics.