[Progress Report054]
Joint Seminar between ERISE and JICA ’Digital SDGs in Kyrgyz Republic’(Bishkek, Kyrgyz, September 23rd , 2019)

ERISE jointly hosted with JICA a seminar ‘Digital SDGs in Kyrgyz Republic’.

Prof. Mitsuhiro Maeda, President of ERISE delivered a lecture on the new SMEs finance scheme based on Blockchain. Mr. Kenji Nakazawa, President of EIIT (Eurasian Institute of Industrial Technology) made a general comment, and Mr. Naoyuki Nemoto, Head of Kyrgyz branch office of JICA made a closing remark.

[Progress Report043]
ERISE/EIIT Tajikistan Mission(Dushanbe, Tajikistan, May 22nd – May 29th , 2019)

Prof. Mitsuhiro Maeda, President of ERISE, and Mr. Kenji Nakazawa, President of EIIT (Eurasian Institute of Industrial Technology), visited Tajikistan and held workshops with universities and governmental organizations.

1. A Courtesy Call on H.E. Hajime Kitaoka, Ambassador of Japan in Tajikistan(Dushanbe, Tajikistan, May 23rd , 2019)

Prof. Mitsuhiro Maeda, President of ERISE, and Mr. Kenji Nakazawa, President of EIIT (Eurasian Institute of Industrial Technology), made a Courtesy Call on H.E. Hajime Kitaoka, Ambassador of Japan in Tajikistan.

2. Tajik Technical University(Dushanbe, Tajikistan, May 24th , 2019)

ERISE held a workshop on Higher i-HRD (industrial Human Resource Development) with Tajik Technical University, headed by Prof. Mamadamon Abdulloev, President of Tajik Technical University.

3. FIFTYFIVEGROUP and JICA Tajikistan office ‘Entrepreneur Seminar in Tajikistan’(Dushanbe, Tajikistan, May 24th , 2019)

Prof. Mitsuhiro Maeda, President of ERISE, delivered the keynote lecture at FIFTYFIVEGROUP and JICA Tajikistan office ‘Entrepreneur Seminar in Tajikistan’.

4. EBRD Tajikistan branch office(Dushanbe, Tajikistan, May 27th , 2019)

Prof. Mitsuhiro Maeda, President of ERISE, and Mr. Kenji Nakazawa, President of EIIT (Eurasian Institute of Industrial Technology), met and discussed with Mr. Ayten Rustamova, Head of Tajikistan branch office of EBRD.

5. Humo (microfinance)(Dushanbe, Tajikistan, May 27th , 2019)

Prof. Mitsuhiro Maeda, President of ERISE, and Mr. Kenji Nakazawa, President of EIIT (Eurasian Institute of Industrial Technology), had a workshop on SMEs finance at HUMO (microfinance).

6. Workshop at State Committee on Investment and State Property Management, the Government of Tajikistan(Dushanbe, Tajikistan, May 28th , 2019)

ERISE held a workshop with State Committee on Investment and State Property Management, the Government of Tajikistan, headed by Mr. Izatullo Nurullozoda, Head of Investment Promotion Department. Prof. Mitsuhiro Maeda, President of ERISE, delivered the keynote lecture.

7. JICA Tajikistan branch office(Dushanbe, Tajikistan, May 28th , 2019)

Prof. Mitsuhiro Maeda, President of ERISE, and Mr. Kenji Nakazawa, President of EIIT (Eurasian Institute of Industrial Technology), met and discussed with Mr. Hideki Tanabe, Head of JICA Tajikistan branch office.

[Progress Report036]
ERISE Botswana Mission(Gaborone, Botzwana, February 26th – March 3rd , 2019)


Prof. Mitsuhiro Maeda, President of ERISE, visited Gaborone and held workshops with governmental organizations.

1. LEA(Local Enterprise Authority)(Gaborone, Botswana, February 28th ,2019)

Prof. Mitsuhiro Maeda, President of ERISE, had a workshop with Dr. Racious M.Moatshe, CEO, and other headquarters of LEA (Local Enterprise Agency).

2. Official Lunch hosted by H.E. Kozo Takeda, Ambassador of Japan in Botswana(Gaborone, Botswana, February 28th , 2019)

Prof. Mitsuhiro Maeda, President of ERISE, was invited to Official Lunch hosted by H.E. Kozo Takeda, Ambassador of Japan in Botswana.

3. JICA Branch Office of Botswana (Gaborone, Botswana, March 1st, 2019)

Prof. Mitsuhiro Maeda, President of ERISE, met and discussed with Mr. Takeshi Yamada, Head of JICA branch office of Botswana.

4. SADC-dfrc(Gaborone, Botswana, March 1st, 2019)

Prof. Mitsuhiro Maeda, President of ERISE, held a workshop with H.E. Stuart Kufeni, CEO, and other headquarters of SADC-dfrc(Southern African Development Community – Development Finance Resource Center).

5. JOGMEC branch office of Botswana (Gaborone, Botswana, March 1st, 2019)

Prof. Mitsuhiro Maeda, President of ERISE, met and discussed with Mr. Susumu Nagae, Head of JOGMEC branch office of Botswana.

[Progress Report024]
SADC(Southern African Development Community)-dfrc(Development Finance Resource Center) Japan Mission (Tokyo, Sanjo, September 26th – October 2nd , 2018)

ERISE accepted SADC(Southern African Development Community)-dfrc(Development Finance Resource Center)) Japan Mission jointly with JICA.

1. AIIT Workshop(Tokyo, September 26th , 2018)

Prof. Mitsuhiro Maeda, President of ERISE, delivered the lecture of ‘The Third Modernity on African Continent’ at AIIT Workshop.

2. ACFi Workshop(Tokyo, September 27th, 2018)

Prof. Mitsuhiro Maeda, President of ERISE, served as the moderator of the Workshop with ACFi(Asian Community Finance Initiative, a committee of APEN(Asia Professional Education Network)).

3. JICA seminar(Tokyo, September 28th, 2018)

SDGs Initiative Japan, an affiliate of ERISE, made a presentation of its activity at JICA seminar.

4. An Inspection Tour to Futako-tamagawa Smart City (Tokyo, September 29th , 2018

ERISE hosted an Inspection Tour to Futako-tamagawa Smart City.

5. Chamber of Commerce of Sanjo City Seminar(Sanjo, October 1st , 2018)

ERISE participated in Chamber of Commerce of Sanjo City Seminar.

6. Sanjo City Government Seminar(Sanjo, October 1st , 2018)

ERISE participated in Sanjo City Government Seminar.