Prof. Mitsuhiro Maeda, President of ERISE, visited Gaborone and held workshops with governmental organizations.
1. LEA(Local Enterprise Authority)(Gaborone, Botswana, February 28th ,2019)
Prof. Mitsuhiro Maeda, President of ERISE, had a workshop with Dr. Racious M.Moatshe, CEO, and other headquarters of LEA (Local Enterprise Agency).
2. Official Lunch hosted by H.E. Kozo Takeda, Ambassador of Japan in Botswana(Gaborone, Botswana, February 28th , 2019)
Prof. Mitsuhiro Maeda, President of ERISE, was invited to Official Lunch hosted by H.E. Kozo Takeda, Ambassador of Japan in Botswana.
3. JICA Branch Office of Botswana (Gaborone, Botswana, March 1st, 2019)
Prof. Mitsuhiro Maeda, President of ERISE, met and discussed with Mr. Takeshi Yamada, Head of JICA branch office of Botswana.
4. SADC-dfrc(Gaborone, Botswana, March 1st, 2019)
Prof. Mitsuhiro Maeda, President of ERISE, held a workshop with H.E. Stuart Kufeni, CEO, and other headquarters of SADC-dfrc(Southern African Development Community – Development Finance Resource Center).
5. JOGMEC branch office of Botswana (Gaborone, Botswana, March 1st, 2019)
Prof. Mitsuhiro Maeda, President of ERISE, met and discussed with Mr. Susumu Nagae, Head of JOGMEC branch office of Botswana.