ERIOA Myanmar Mission(Yangon, Myanmar, March 16th – March 20th , 2014)

Prof. Mitsuhiro Maeda, President of ERIOA, visited Yangon and held workshops with universities and governmental organizations.

(1) Chamber of Commerce, Yangon ・Dr. Thet Thet Khine, Secretary General,(Yangon, Myanmar, March 17th , 2014)

(2) Yangon Technological University (YTU)・Prof. D r. NYI Hla Nge, Chairman of Steering Committee for YTU and MTU and Prof. Dr. Aye Myint, Rector of YTU(Yangon, Myanmar, March 17th , 2014)

(3) Joint Workshop with SMEs Agency of Myanmar, Ministry of Industry, the Government of Myanmar on ‘New SMEs Finance Schemes in Myanmar’(Yangon, Myanmar, March 18th , 2014)